Continuing with our 2010 goal to provide you with 365 days of learning activities from our “Home Preschool Curriculum” developed by Fran Wisniewski and Diane Flynn Keith for, here is the post for Day 21…
Remember, these are learning activities that should only be done if they are enjoyable for you and your child. Do not treat this as a “must do” lesson. It’s simply a fun activity that provides an opportunity to learn.
~ Identify Letters and Learn the Alphabet ~
- Prominently display an entire alphabet on the
bedroom wall. You can get them at teacher supply stores or print your own with this free printable coloring alphabet.
- Get alphabet dot-to-dot and letter maze activities for free too!
- Sing the alphabet forward. Try it backwards too!
- Match the letters of your child’s name with things in the world. For example, David and dinosaur begin with the same letter and sound. (This will be more fun if your child recognizes his/her name).
- Write the letters of your child’s name on index cards (one letter per card) and put them in the right order to spell the name. Explain to your child that all of those letters make up his/her name. Mix them up and see if your child can put them back in order. Do this with other names that have meaning for your child. (names of siblings, Mom, Dad, pets, or the name of the street where you live).
- Variation 1: Write letters on index cards or use store bought letter cards and give them to your child. Let him/her pick the letters that are most appealing for this activity. Give your child a piece of paper, or us a chalk or white board, and something to write with. Let them copy letters. (This will work with magnetic letters or letter tiles as well.)
- Variation 2: Use the same cards/tiles and let your child cut out letters from magazines to match the letters.
- Read books with alphabet letters featured prominently such as “Alphabet Adventure” or “Alphabet Mystery“, both by Audrey Wood.
- Play alphabet games such as “My First Alphabet Game” by DK Publishing, or play alphabet games online.
For more ideas on developing reading readiness skills visit
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