Here is another learning activity adapted from our “Home Preschool Curriculum” developed by Fran Wisniewski and Diane Flynn Keith for
Remember, only do these learning activities if they are enjoyable for you and your child. Do not treat this as a “must do” lesson. It’s simply a fun activity that provides an opportunity to learn, while building “readiness skills” for the school or homeschool environment.
~ Identifying & Using Objects ~
- Talk about tools with your child. When you use tools like a hammer, screwdriver, or wrench, show it to your child. Tell him/her what it is called and how it is used. Let them watch you use it and give your child a chance to use it under your careful supervision. Play toolkits are fun too!
- Cook with your child and talk about objects that are used in the kitchen. Show your child how to use kitchen appliances and help them use them with your guidance. Play kitchen sets reinforce learning as well.
- Let your child help with household chores. Most kids thinks it’s fun! Tell him/her the names of things like brooms, doorknobs, light switches, washer, dryer, clothesline, mop, vacuum, etc., and let him/her try using these tools with your supervision.
- Garden with your child. A set of kid-sized gardening tools makes it easy and fun!
- Show your child the phone, television, DVD player, CD player, game system, calculator, digital camera, computer, fax machine, scanner, photo-copier, remote control, and other electronic wonders. Show him/her how they work and let them use it with your supervision.
For more ideas on developing reading readiness skills visit
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