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Day 48: Understanding Top, Bottom, & Middle

Here is another learning activity adapted from our “Home Preschool Curriculum” developed by Fran Wisniewski and Diane Flynn Keith for

Remember, only do these learning activities if they are enjoyable for you and your child. Do not treat this as a “must do” lesson. It’s simply a fun activity that provides an opportunity to learn, while building “readiness skills” for the school or homeschool environment.

~ Understanding Top, Bottom, & Middle ~

  • Play with Stacking Rings and talk about which one is on the bottom, in the middle, and on the top.
  • Play the Cups and Ball game. Let your child watch as you put a ball under one of 3 upside down plastic cups (not the clear, see-through kind). Tell your child to watch the cup that has the ball under it. Then, move them around and have your child guess where the ball is. Left, right or middle. Lift up the cups and see if their guess was correct. Let them try to fool you.
  • Talk about plants and flowers. Discuss the leaves on top of a tree, or flowers on top of a plant. Discuss the middle of the tree or plant (trunk or stem) and the bottom roots. Grow an avocado tree. Watch as the avocado roots sprout from the bottom of the pit, and the seedling breaks through  the top of the avocado pit.
  • Talk about the body.  The head is at the top, belly in the middle, and feet on the bottom.
  • Beanbag or Ball Toss.  Use a large piece of cardboard and cut 3 holes (make a top, middle, and bottom). Have your child throw the ball or beanbag into one of the three holes. Tell your child what hole the ball went through. As your child gets better, make a spinner to tell them what hole to try for or make up directions cards. (Color-code each hole for the card version.)
  • Play Jenga with your child.

Find out how to help your little one learn essential life skills, while building a love for learning, with nothing more than a lemon!  Start “Learning with Little Lulu Lemon” today at:

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