Here is another learning activity adapted from our “Home Preschool Curriculum” developed by Fran Wisniewski and Diane Flynn Keith for
Remember, only do these learning activities if they are enjoyable for you and your child. Do not treat this as a “must do” lesson. It’s simply a fun activity that provides an opportunity to learn, while building “readiness skills” for the school or homeschool environment.
~ Pasting Objects ~
- The best way to learn this skill is to get lots of practice. Start out with easy projects. The less frustrating for your child, the better. As he/she gains skill, you can tackle more difficult projects. These projects can get messy so plan ahead. Wear appropriate clothing. Use a drop cloth to minimize mess and reduce worry. The point is to have fun while teaching a skill.
Be sure to use non-toxic glue and paste. Show your child how to glue and paste together paper, egg cartons, baskets, cardboard, boxes, milk cartons, tea bag boxes, wax paper rolls, toilet paper and towel rolls, oatmeal boxes, etc.
Then, show your child how to use glue and/or paste to decorate their projects with glitter, beans, rice, cotton balls, toothpicks, felt, wood, sequins, packing materials, tissue paper, torn or cut paper, newspaper clippings, magazine clippings, noodles, pasta, peanut shells, colored puff balls, colored feathers, buttons, styrofoam, pipe cleaners, ribbons, paper punch outs, fabric, and odd pieces of costume jewelry.
- Do paper craft projects together.
Find out how to help your little one learn essential life skills, while building a love for learning, with nothing more than a lemon! Start “Learning with Little Lulu Lemon” today at:
Copyright 2010, Diane Flynn Keith, All Rights Reserved. Publication or distribution in any medium including blogs, newsletters, ezines, websites, or online discussion lists is strictly prohibited without prior written permission.Thank you for helping to protect my copyright.
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