Here is another learning activity adapted from our “Home Preschool Curriculum” developed by Fran Wisniewski and Diane Flynn Keith for
Remember, only do these learning activities if they are enjoyable for you and your child. Do not treat this as a “must do” lesson. It’s simply a fun activity that provides an opportunity to learn, while building “readiness skills” for the school or homeschool environment.
~ Learning Their Home Address ~
- Tell your child your home address.
- Go outside and show your child your house number; where it’s posted on the mailbox, side of the house, or curb.
- Show them the street sign with the name of your street.
- Tell them what city and state you live in. Show them on a map.
- Help your child to make a map of your street and show them where you live. Tell them the address.
- Have your child practice saying his/her address.
- Have your child tell his/her stuffed animals and dolls their home address.
- Set your child’s address to a familiar tune. It will be easier to remember.
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