Here is another learning activity adapted from our “Home Preschool Curriculum” developed by Fran Wisniewski and Diane Flynn Keith for
Remember, only do these learning activities if they are enjoyable for you and your child. Do not treat this as a “must do” lesson. It’s simply a fun activity that provides an opportunity to learn, while building “readiness skills” for the school or homeschool environment.
~ Fun Walks for Mental & Physical Fitness ~
Go for a Word Walk
Look for words as you walk. You’ll see them on street signs, on some car license plates, on advertising billboards, on signs or logos on trucks and buses, on welcome plaques by front doors, in gardens on plant stakes, on notices posted on telephone poles (like garage sales, etc.), on newspapers in driveways, on pieces of paper dropped on the sidewalk, on recycling containers and trash cans, on “For Sale” signs, etc.
It’s okay if your kids can’t read the words, just have them point them out and then tell them what the words say. It’s helps with recognition of sight words and they will see that reading is a skill people need and use everyday.
Taking a family road trip? Get the book, “Carschooling,” and take the whine out of drive time! It’s filled with ingenious activities that help you turn travel time into fun and entertaining learning time. Get your copy today at:
Copyright 2010, Diane Flynn Keith, All Rights Reserved. Publication or distribution in any medium including blogs, newsletters, ezines, websites, or online discussion lists is strictly prohibited without prior written permission.Thank you for helping to protect my copyright.
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