Decorate a paper plate using markers, crayons, stickers, etc. Bend the decorated paper plate into a cone-shaped “basket.” Tape or staple together. Punch two holes in the top of the “basket” directly across from each other. Attach a piece of ribbon so you can hang the basket on a doorknob. Early on the morning of May 1st, fill the basket with flowers, hang it on your neighbor’s doorknob, ring the doorbell, and run away and hide. They will enjoy the surprise of receiving a beautiful May Day basket! For more May activities visit:
Get innovative learning activities themed around dates of historical importance (and whimsical holidays) with “’s Learning Calendar!” It’s jam-packed with fun for the whole family! Get your calendar today at:
Looking for a step-by-step program to learn how to successfully homeschool your child in California? Look no further! “Homeschooling California Style!” is now available.
Copyright 2011, Diane Flynn Keith, All Rights Reserved. Publication or distribution in any medium including blogs, newsletters, ezines, websites, or online discussion lists is strictly prohibited without prior written permission. Thank you for helping to protect my copyright.
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