While reading recipe directions, have your child add the ingredients as you say them. Have them stir, beat, or mix the ingredients too. If you use a box cake mix let them “read” the pictures shown on the back and get those items (if they can reach) out of the cabinets/fridge. Help them measure, pour or scoop ingredients, crack the eggs into the bowl, and then mix everything together. As you do this, show your child the words and read them together.
More ideas for developing reading readiness skills can be found here:
Get innovative learning activities themed around dates of historical importance (and whimsical holidays) with “UniversalPreschool.com’s Learning Calendar!” It’s jam-packed with fun for the whole family! Get your calendar today at: http://www.universalpreschool.com/uplearning.asp
Looking for a step-by-step program to learn how to successfully homeschool your child in California? Look no further! “Homeschooling California Style!” is now available. http://www.homefires.com/courses/ca_style.asp
Copyright 2011, Diane Flynn Keith, All Rights Reserved. Publication or distribution in any medium including blogs, newsletters, ezines, websites, or online discussion lists is strictly prohibited without prior written permission. Thank you for helping to protect my copyright.
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