by Karen Taylor
It’s back to school time, or as we homeschoolers often call it, not back to school! While experienced homeschoolers may be thrilled to begin another year of freedom, sometimes this is a time of increased worry for parents of preschoolers.
We used to think of homeschooling as beginning with kindergarten or first grade, but in recent years, not sending your two-, three-, and four-year-old to school has been called unpreschool or homeschooling preschool. While that label was designed to make it easier to explain your choice to keep your young child at home, we’ve learned that it sometimes puts pressure on the parent to actually begin to “do school”!
If you have a young child at home, I hope you will find the time in your busy day to read a short article that is posted at the Universal Preschool website: Preschool Pressure or Preschool Peace? I think it will leave you encouraged and motivated, especially after you read her “recipe.” The author had preschool peace. I did too, and it’s what I wish for you. I hope it helps you have a wonderful NOT back to school year! Taking care of your little ones at home is just so special, and your effort is appreciated.
If you need support, send your preschool questions to me privately at or send them to the Universal Preschool elist where I’ll also be reading them. On the list, you may receive many different responses from list members, and sometimes that can be a great help!
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