From Universal Preschool's Founder
Diane Flynn Keith...

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Recognizing Geometric Shapes

Help your little one recognize geometric shapes by talking about the shapes of things in your environment. For example, “The living room window is in the shape of a rectangle.” “The car tire is in the shape of a circle.”

Ask your child to find similar shapes. The more you identify and talk about shapes, […]

Seed Science

It’s spring! It may not be time to plant an outside garden in your area yet, but it’s a perfect time to do some seed experiments. This is ideal for preschoolers, because the best learning happens when they are having fun!

Gardening is a great science activity for kids, and you don’t need a green […]

Number Toss Game

Here’s a great way to familiarize your little one with numbers and counting!

What you’ll need:

•Deck of cards •Bean bags or socks rolled into balls (or something soft to toss) •Laundry basket or box

Set up: You’ll need a deck of cards with the picture cards and jokers removed. If your child is only […]